This weekend was Pedicure Day for the girl goats...I like to think of it as a day at the Angora Avalon Day Spa! First we have a warm foot bath (which I can assure you they REALLY dislike...goats hate water), then we have our nails trimmed (only slightly better), and finally a quick brushing (to rid everyone of unsightly stickers, poop balls and unidentified clinginging objects). The only bright side, in the goats' opinion, is that everyone gets a treat afterwards! Olivia did however, get a new jacket also. Her fiber has grown to about 2" since the last shearing, and her old one was getting a little "snug"...WE blame it on the Holidays, they blame it on fat fur...we all have our excuses :D
Oh what a lovely new coat! I think she looks spectacular! We have 4 angora goats - three little girls about 4 months old, and an adult female. All came from our shelter. We would like to shear them in time. Would you suggest that we get coats for them? We are new to this... If you do suggest coats, do you make your own or do you buy them?
Hey Claire! We only put a coat on Olivia, because she has fairly greasy and really fine fiber. Every little thing tends to stick to it, and that makes it almost unmanageable come fiber cleaning time! This is the first season we've tried the coat, and it seems to be working splendidly. The added bonus is that she gets the extra added warmth from the jacket, and that's nice since Olivia is our "runt". Whenever I put my hand under her jacket, she's really warm! I did not make the coats (I have barely progressed to full apron, in my sewing skills!) but got them at Big R Ranch and Home store for about $12.
Thanks for that info! I might give them a try. The baby angoras that we rescued might appreciate the extra warmth in this cold weather!
I'm with Olivia, definitely fat fur! The new coat is gorgeous!
Patricia Rose - A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
Had to come and leave another post-I am the proud owner of the yarn of the week. This art yarn is absolutely gorgeous! I cannot wait to get this made up, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to sell this one, lol. Diana, keep up the art yarn line, this is amazing!
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
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