I thought this was a great picture to describe what the "lady of the lake" is probably thinking right now..." God, bless these crazy people who have decided to build a barn in February"! The Mary statue is a whole "nother" story, best left for another time, but suffice it to say that I had to move her to make room for our latest "pipe hole" and when I went to snap this pic of our project, there she was!
My beautifully greening pasture is now one huge mudhole in the shape of a cross. I am hoping that the KKK doesn't see fit to set it on fire in the near future. But the water and electricity are almost there, and Thursday has been tentatively scheduled as "big holes and poles day". Another big storm is scheduled for this weekend so we figure we better get a move on!
Oh, and everything is COVERED in mud. These boots are only two pairs of probably ten. The good news is that even a leisurely stroll is bound to wear off five pounds, when wearing an extra 3 pounds of mud on each foot...got to look on the bright side :)
Oh my word, big holes and poles day. That is too funny. I see a few of those in my future too, for fencing projects. The mud is something I can definitely relate to, but what is that green stuff on your land? Seems I saw that somewhere in the long distant past, but I don't really remember what it is...
LOL! Yeah, I don't know where it is green all year long, but I would sure love to live there. Then I wouldn't have to have "dirt" colored carpets!
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