About Me

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We are 5 llamas, 4 Angora goats, 6 chickens, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 humans. We live in beautiful Sams Valley, Oregon and enjoy gardening, animal concerts and small children.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Now We're Cookin' !

Or as my mother used to say, "Now we're cookin' with gas!" Les and I tackled the remaining six poles today, since the weather has been cooperating. We didn't want to chance waiting until Saturday, since we're expecting some more rain. We lucked out...today was picture perfect! I almost put shorts on, that's how gorgeous it was! Perfect pole sinking weather. I thought we made pretty good time at just one hour per pole to dig the hole, set the pole and concrete it in. And we only had one major "boo-boo" which Les is going to correct tomorrow. Luckily it is on one of the short poles. Those 17' Big Berthas are really a bugger to set. So we held off concreting that one in, and he'll fix it in the morning. Can you spot it? It's about 4" out of line, and we decided that was just too far off. Oh well, live and learn :)

It's finally starting to take shape now, and I'm having so much fun just standing in the middle of my barn and planning the interior. We decided we're going to incorporate the chicken coop and yard into the barn as well. It will allow me access to their nesting boxes from either inside or outside of the barn and that will be convenient. Here's a couple pics of our current layers, giving their approval to the project...can't you just see them smiling?!


Mo said...

Wow, what a gorgeous set-up you have! Your yarns are beautiful also!

frolicnfibers said...

Thanks Molly. We call it "big land, little house" and we do so love it!

Unknown said...

I love the building project. You will reap pleasures from your hard labors. And I am sure the chickens will like a special spot. They are smiling..
Thanks for psoting on my BlueSky Farm blog too..I am going to have to gather up Gail & our charming chicks & make the trip over there to meet you.

frolicnfibers said...

Cheryl that would be sooo much fun! Let me know when you'll be in the neighborhood. I'll tell the critters so that they can await your visit also :)