About Me

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We are 5 llamas, 4 Angora goats, 6 chickens, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 humans. We live in beautiful Sams Valley, Oregon and enjoy gardening, animal concerts and small children.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome to the Woman Cave!

My husband calls my new studio my Woman Cave...and it appears to be true, because I am so comfortable in my new "happy place"! Here's a few pics of my studio and my second Spinning Class which I held last weekend. It was called "From Hay to Handspun" and was a two day class touching on the animals, fiber preparation, dying and basic spinning techniques. The gals seemed to really enjoy it, which was so gratifying for me. Hopefully, they found a new "happy place" for themselves :)


Debra said...

I wish I lived closer and could come to one!

frolicnfibers said...

Debra, that would be so much fun! Let me know if you're ever in my neck of the woods!