About Me

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We are 5 llamas, 4 Angora goats, 6 chickens, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 humans. We live in beautiful Sams Valley, Oregon and enjoy gardening, animal concerts and small children.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Living in Color!

I was five years old in 1963 when my parents announced that we would be watching The Wizard of Oz on a friend's new TV. We had a black and white television...no remote or cable...just rabbit ears and three channels, and that's all I'd ever known. I will never forget the feeling of wonder and awe when Dorothy's house touched down and she (with Toto wrapped in her arms) opened her front door on the Land of Oz. Because what my parents had "neglected" to mention, was that the new set was a COLOR television...the first we'd ever seen! That transformation from black and white to a world in living color was so spectacular that even now it gives me goosebumps! And from such a small beginning, sprang a life-long affair with color!

Our local Grower's Market begins this week, and even though we're a few days early, for me it always signifies the start of Spring. I've spent the last few days getting ready... spinning up a few new yarns, tagging stock, and of course dying. I never tire of the sense of suspense, the "tickle me" wonder of dying a new batch of yarn or fiber. I never know exactly how it will turn out, and I'm glad that I don't. It's kind of like opening that Land of Oz door and never quite knowing what will be on the other side!

So many people tell me that my husband and I are "living their dream", running our small farm, doing what we love to do, and aiming towards making a sustainable living. And they are so right! I feel so blessed to be taking care of our "critters", harvesting their fiber and spinning my yarns. And what better way to express my happiness than through these colors and textures? I attribute my new lifestyle to my Dad, who loved my llamas, who bought me my first wheel, and who always told me "If you don't love what you do, then you'd better go do something else"...and so we did!

For more looks at my yarns please visit my etsy store at http://www.frolicnfibers.etsy.com/ and be sure to check out Fiber Fridays at http://www.alpacafarmgirl.com/ for wonderful articles on all things fiber related!


Alpaca Granny said...

My experience with my first viewing of the Wizard was similar to yours and I, too, can relive that sense of colorful wonder.
(We must be really old fogies)

sugarcreekstuff said...

That basket of yarns are so beautiful. I'm a color gal too.
I loved the Wizard of Oz but hated the flying monkeys.

frolicnfibers said...

Yep, Maple I definitely feel like a "fogie" lately! And I can certainly relate to the flying monkey phobia....nasty creatures!

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Llamas, angora goats AND chickens! I can't stand it. I wanna come and live with you.
I am a knitter and spinner too and your yarn looks yummy. Found you @ MJFarm.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

ingermaaike said...

I love your colors and am always captivated by color hearted your etsy shop too!