About Me

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We are 5 llamas, 4 Angora goats, 6 chickens, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 humans. We live in beautiful Sams Valley, Oregon and enjoy gardening, animal concerts and small children.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Day at The Spa...kindof.

Well we've been working on getting our "llama shearing stall" completed and it's taken (so-what-else-is-new) longer than expected, but we're finally in the "90% done and usable as-is" stage! Today Blue Skies and Cholula took their turns and except for one small moment when Cholula decided that she only wanted to be half sheared (we got one side done, and she tried to cush, almost hanging herself and fully panicking myself), all went pretty well. But the best part of the day was bath time, after all the shearing was done and everything cleaned and put away. Since it's gotten up in the upper 90's and even triple digits lately, the girls have really taken to the water. Every afternoon they get their barn misters turned on, for a little llama air-conditioning, and most afternoons they get a hosing off. Here's a few pics of some wet but happy llamas :)


Debra said...

Looks fun! I can't wait to see what you spin up :)

frolicnfibers said...

Thanks Debra...me too! I've been so busy with the animals that I've been neglecting my spinning. Time to get busy!